Supported Study & Easter School
There is an extensive range of Supported Study sessions available for pupils in S4/5/6.
These provide an opportunity to consolidate learning and receive additional support ahead of internal assessments and upcoming SQA examinations.
Sessions run as follows:
Monday -Tuesday sessions run from 3.50pm – 4.50pm.
Wednesday – Friday sessions run from 3pm – 4pm.
Please note that transport will not be provided for pupils to travel to school or return home.
The current Supported Study programme will run from Tuesday 2nd March – Friday 3rd April. Pupils received a timetable booklet during registration and should sign up with their individual class teachers to attend.
Easter Study School
Easter school is a programme of Supported Study which runs during the Easter break. This provides an opportunity for exam preparation and revision for S4/5/6 pupils as they move towards their SQA examinations in May. The majority of faculties offer multiple sessions across all levels which allows pupils to tailor a study programme specific to their needs.
Morning sessions run from 9am – 12pm.
Afternoon sessions run from 12:30pm – 3:30pm.
Please note that transport will not be provided for pupils to travel to school or return home.
Please click the link below to view the timetable. Pupils will receive this in booklet format closer to the break.