School Uniform

Here in Calderside Academy we support the wishes of many parents/carers by encouraging all pupils to wear a school uniform.

The wearing of a school uniform helps promote the identity of the school in the local community and helps create an ethos of sharing and pride in our school.

In addition, it helps towards increasing the protection of all pupils in light of the need to be more security-conscious. It also helps staff and the pupils to distinguish between those who belong to the school and those who are visitors thus creating a safer environment for pupils and teachers alike.

Equality of opportunity is an important aspect of the life of a school and any proposals on the wearing of a uniform remain the subject of consultation with parents, pupils and staff. We are very proud in Calderside that our own pupils chose the design and colours of our uniform.

Uniform crest

There are forms of dress which are unacceptable in all of South Lanarkshire schools such as:

  • the wearing of football colours.
  • clothing with slogans that may cause offence.
  • clothing which advertises or promotes alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
  • clothing which can be deemed unsuitable, on Health & Safety grounds, such as clothes made from highly flammable material, combat-style clothing, dangling earrings or loose-fitting clothes, particularly in practical classes.
  • articles of clothing which could inflict damage on other pupils or be used by others to do so.
  • footwear that may damage flooring.

We promote the wearing of a school blazer or plain black jacket as part of the school uniform.


School Uniform 2

In addition pupils should dress according to the following requirements:

    • white shirt or blouse (not a polo shirt)
    • school tie (junior S1-S4 or senior S5-S6).  These cost £5/£6 from the school office. 
    • Ties are issued to P7 pupils joining our S1.
    • optional - black school jumper with badge, plain black v-neck jumper or black v-neck cardigan / tank top. Ensure that the school tie is visible.
    • plain black full-length trousers (not combats or tracksuit trousers).
    • black skirt (no leggings please).
    • tailored black shorts can be worn in extreme weather in the summer term.
    • S5/S6 pupils are permitted and encouraged to wear the Senior School Tartan Skirt.
    • black shoes or boots. 
    • Only plain black trainers are acceptable.

The following items of clothing are not part of our agreed school dress code and therefore should NOT be worn in school:

  • jeans, shorts or cargo style zipped trousers
  • tracksuit trousers or jackets
  • any tops that are not plain black
  • hooded tops that do not allow a shirt and tie to be seen clearly
  • white trainers or other non black footwear
  • leggings without a skirt


For PE pupils should bring:

  • a suitable top/t-shirt, preferably white.
  • dark shorts or tracksuit trousers.
  • training shoes.
  • PE Kit should be carried in a suitable school bag.

Please note:

  • Football club names, badges or logos should not be on display during PE activities.
  • The games hall floor is easily damaged by grit and dirt. PE kit must include a change of footwear.
  • For outdoor lessons pupils should come prepared with suitable PE kit for all weather conditions.


Uniform Letter 2023

Senior Dress Code 2023

School Uniform 3