Home Learning
Welcome to Calderside Academy At Home Learning
Google Classroom
Information on Google Classroom as well as join codes for pupils can be found on the Google Classroom page.
Click the following link for more information: Calderside Academy Google Classroom
Information and guidance on how to engage with At Home Learning.
Online Resources
- SQA past papers: www.sqa.org.uk/pastpapers/findpastpaper.htm
- Scholar Online Revision: https://scholar.hw.ac.uk/
All Sciences
- rlambert1.wixsite.com/caldersidebiology
- www.oronsay.org National 5
- www.quizlet.com Search for “lambertbio” to see class sets
- www.nat5biopl.edubuzz.org/
- www.biologymann.com/uploads/1/7/3/8/17386939/how_to_pass_national_5_biology.pdf
Textbook for original course before 2017 update but still relevant - www.blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/public/SNHBiologyWebsite/uploads/sites/2732/2015/01/CfE-Textbook.pdf
Textbook for original course before 2018 update but still relevant
Use BBC bitesize to read notes and task relating to:
- Needs and Wants
- Production and Consumption
- Customer Service
- Marketing
Read the information on the above topics
Complete all activities
Business Education, Accounting, and Business – National 5 and Higher
All have been issued with revision packs. This was done before the current situation
Pupils should self-mark past papers using the SQA website
Computing Science
All home study information and online resources for Computing Science can be found at:
Then click on the Home Study & Extra Curricular tab.
Other Resources
Coming soon…