Welcome to Religious and Moral Education 

RME enables young people to explore the world’s major religions and views that are independent from religious beliefs. It supports pupils in developing and reflecting upon their values and evokes critical thinking.

Pupils at Calderside Academy have the opportunity to look at Religion, Scientific and Moral issues throughout their RME journey. 

Religious and Moral Education members of staff are:

  • Miss Wilson
  • Ms Shabir

S1 - S3

S1 – Religion in Scotland, Aristotle, Rich World-Poor World (IDL), Judaism and Christianity.

S2 – Islam, Muhammad Ali, Hinduism, Ghandi, Morality in the movies and Religion and Science.

S3- Sikhism, ‘Good, bad and the ugly’. Racism, Moral Stances and Choices.

S4- Buddhism, Capital Punishment, Sexual Morality and Religion in Scotland.

Senior Phase

RMPS National 5 and Higher available.

Unit 1 World Religion (Buddhism) 

Religions have had a huge influence on world history. Their existence also expresses something profound about the nature of what it is to be human. This unit is designed to allow you the opportunity to consider and develop your own understanding of a world religion by discussing key questions such as: What does it mean to be human? What do the followers want to achieve in life? How do they go about achieving their goals?

Unit 2 Religion and Justice

In this unit you will further develop your analytical and evaluative skills by learning about the relationship between religious and moral values in relation to Capital Punishment.

Unit 3 Religious and Philosophical Questions

In this unit you will study of the modern relationship between Christian belief and scientific theory. You will learn about different answers to important questions about the origins of the universe and develop your evaluative skills as you express your own views about the different ideas you have studied.

Extra Curricular

Clubs and Trips

Supported Study

Ongoing support is offered to all students at all levels. A class teacher should be contacted if extra support is required and arrangements can be made.